Main Indonesia Guide to Indonesia


At the border of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, where the islands of the Malay Archipelago are scattered like pearls, lies the island nation of Indonesia. This country, like a museum of time, combines the mysteries of wild primitive tribes living on remote oceanic islands with the bustling life of Jakarta.


D12 visa to Indonesia: advantages and pitfalls

2024 brought a lot of events, visa changes, changes in the rules of visa processing to Indonesia and a new mode of entry to Ngurah Rai airport! Today we will tell you about the new and convenient, in our opinion, long-term visa D12 and its features. read more

So how to live in Bali for a whole year with one visa and save more than $300 on extensions?

Have you been living in Bali for a long time and you are tired of visa runs? Have you just arrived but already realize that Bali is your place of strength and you want to stay longer? Maybe you're planning to start a business in Indonesia and want to immerse yourself more in the island's atmosphere and understand where the best places to invest are? 💼 read more

Write to us and we will help with any visa questions.

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